Concealed water leak testing in Alexandra Hills

Concealed water leak testing in Alexandra Hills

We then attended to a reported concealed water leak in Alexandra Hills, we had been to the property back in 2021 where we located a previous leak.

Today a water meter test revealed a leak of 1136 litres per day, we isolated all services inside the house and still saw the water meter moving. we conducted a pressure test on the line which failed.

We then introduced a combination of compressed air then tracer gas before identifying a likely leak site in between a tree and the water meter.

We excavated down to 1.20 metres with all testing indicating the leak was deeper.

Given the clear run from the water to the house which was all lawn, we discussed our findings with our client and suggested it would be better for them in the long run for a new line from the water meter to the house be installed.

Our client has a relative who is a plumber with an excavator which will save them money.

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