Is Your Swimming Pool Leaking?

The bucket test

The best way to determine whether or not your swimming pool is leaking is to carry out a simple method known as the bucket test.

The bucket test acts as a simulation of the pool’s evaporation conditions. As we know, evaporation causes swimming pools to lose water on a day-to-day basis. Due to environmental factors such as extreme heat, wind, sunlight and humidity, pools may experience greater water loss than what we would normally expect.

Follow these simple steps to see whether your water loss is due to natural evaporation or a leak in the pool system.

  1. Fill the swimming pool to its normal level
  2. Fill the bucket with pool water approximately 2-3cm from the top and place on the first step of pool.
  3. Using a piece of electrical tape, mark the water level on the inside of the bucket and on outside of the bucket.
  4. Wait 48  hours and measure the new levels on both the inside and outside of the bucket.
  5. Compare the water levels; If the water loss is greater on the outside of the bucket, it is most that your swimming pool is leaking.

Prevent further damage to your pool system and unnecessary increases in water bills by getting in contact with the team at South East Leak Detection.

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South East Leak Detection find and repair swimming pool leaks in Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Moreton & Redlands Bays regions.


Unsure if you’re within our service area? No problem, just ask the team on 0481 818 288.

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