Concealed water leak detection in Sailsbury

Concealed water leak detection in Sailsbury

We then attended to a reported concealed water leak in Sailsbury, a water meter test revealed a leak of 1000 litres per day. A pressure test failed after isolating all the services inside the house and noting the water meter was still moving.

This property has a long driveway under concrete.
After introducing a combination of compressed air, water and tracer gas we identified the general vicinity of the leak at the end of the concrete driveway at the entrance to the house site.

We drilled a number of pilot holes to hone in on the leak site before obtaining the highest gas reading at the nominated leak site.

Always being mindful of the potential costs of repair given is cost proximity to the sewer main we contacted our tradesman client suggesting a plumber with an excavator may be required to complete the repair in a more cost effective manner.

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