Swimming pool prime issue detected and repaired in Alexandra Hills

Swimming pool prime issue detected and repaired in Alexandra Hills

This morning we attended to a reported swimming pool prime issue in Alexandra Hills

We noted the chlorinator cell and newly installed pool pump basked was full of bubbles.
We tested the multi port valve before backwashing and rinsing the sand filter on two occasions. We inspected and dye tested the skimmer box and return jets.

We noted there was a directional valve on the return/spa line. We noted one of the spa breathers was missing and we located it in the pool. This breather valve was broken.

We noted the pool cleaner was not operating upon our arrival and we examined the head unit which was leaking at its base. We removed the pool cleaner
Re installed the breather valve and the pool prime issue had been resolved.

We then attempted to pressure test the concealed plumbing.

Our client needs to replace her pool cleaner and collect a replacement breather from their pool shop.





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