Vinyl lined swimming pool leak detection in Bannockburn

Vinyl lined swimming pool leak detection in Bannockburn

We then attended to a reported leaking vinyl lined pool in Bannockburn, we obtained background from our client. We tested the multi port valve then pressure tested the pipework which both held pressure. The pool liner was only replaced around 15 months ago. We entered the pool and inspected the skimmer box and inside the return jets. We then located a large number of small holes all around 100mm up from the floor on the vinyl wall.

We patched a large number of this holes around the main step into the pool before introducing our Leaktrac 2400 which located further holes around the pool all at the same height.

Our client advised that there robotic pool cleaner seems to get stuck at that height all the way around the pool. It is therefore most likely the robotic pool cleaner has caused the damage to the pool liner.
We coversed with the Vinyl pool liner provider before discussing options with our client.

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