Swimming pool leak detection and repair in Silkstone

Swimming pool leak detection and repair in Silkstone

This morning we attended to a reported leaking concrete pool in Silkstone, after obtaining background information from our client we immediately tested the main drain using a hydrophone microphone. This allowed us to listen to the main drain and the sound of running water was clearly heard. We then entered the pool and removed the main cover before dye testing to confirm the leak site was a leaking hydrostatic valve. We replaced the valve before re dye testing the main drain to find it now secure. We removed the light fitting and puttied over where the electrical cable and conduit meet as this was a previous leak site. We then inspected and dye tested the skimmer, 3 x returns and overflow pipe. We then re tested the main drain using the hydrophone to now find no noise. An excellent outcome for our client who was onsite and briefed along the way.

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