Swimming pool leak detection and repair in Balmoral

Swimming pool leak detection and repair in Balmoral

Recently we attended to a reported swimming pool leak in Balmoral. This pool was situated very close to the house with the pool filtration system located under the house. Our client advised that water was seen coming from the concrete wall where the pool plumbing left to connect with the pool. We inspected the pump filtration area and noted the effected area. We then pressure tested the pipework to determine the main return lines were not holding pressure.  We then pressure tested the solar return line to find that secure. Given the complex nature of  this pool and its plumbing we discussed a number of options  going forward.

This afternoon we returned to plug the return jets in the pool and  by pass the return plumbing line which had failed.  Our licensed plumber reconfigured  the return line into the solar return line.

We tested the pump to confirm their were no leaks and the return line is now operating through the solar return

This by far was the most cost effective way to resolve their water leak.




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