Concealed water leak detection and repair on rural property tank water in Tellegalla (near Ipswich)

Concealed water leak detection and repair on rural property tank water in Tellegalla (near Ipswich)

This morning we attended to a rural property in Tellegalla (Ipswich) to a reported concealed water leak from their underground tank to the house.
Their tank pump kept cycling even when no water was being used. We calculated the water loss to be around 180 litres per day. We conducted a pressure test which failed. After tracing the multiple lines we introduced tracer gas which brought us to the general vicinity of the leak to be under concrete near the pool. After drilling a number of pilot holes we honed in on the leak site. We then used a quickcut concrete saw and attempted to remove a 600mm square but this was unsuccessful due to the depth of the concrete. After jackhammering away we located a failed 1/2 inch copper pipe adjacent to the waste pipe. Our licensed completed the repair before testing the line to find it secure. Our client was very relieved given the high cost of water that had been carted in.




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