Acreage water leak detection & repair in Chandler

Acreage water leak detection & repair in Chandler

This afternoon we attended to a house leak on acreage in Chandler, a water meter test revealed a leak 8640 litres per day, a pressure test failed, our client directed us to a suspect location at the rear of the property.

We traced the line and introduced compressed air and located the general vicinity of the leak to be under the concrete patio area near the rear door.

After using a quickcut concrete saw, angle grinder and jackhammer we removed the concrete to locate a failed 16 mm poly pipe. Our licensed plumber completed the repair.

Our client took our earlier advice and sought advice from their house insurer. We then tested the line to find the repair and entire line now secure. We provided our client with access to Urban Utilities concealed leak rebate and sent thru video and photograph as well as a written report for her insurance claim.


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