Fibreglass swimming pool leak detection and repair – Bridgeman Downs

Fibreglass swimming pool leak detection and repair – Bridgeman Downs

This morning we attended to a fibreglass swimming pool leak in Bridgeman Downs. We first noted an open trench near a return pipe which our client had repaired. We tested the five way valve and then pressure tested the suction, solar in and solar our lines which all held pressure. We then attempted to pressure test the return plumbing but noted an air leak around the return jet of the previous repair. These repairs of pipework and replacement jets are a specialist repair. We removed the lights from their brackets and dye tested to reveal water escaping where the cable penetrates the shell. We re puttied both cables leaving them for 24hrs to allow sufficient time to cure. We then used our Leaktrac 2400 tested the integrity of the pools shell. Finally we entered the pool and dye tested the skimmer box, return jets solar jets, lights brackets and hydrostatic valve. We walked through the results with our client who was present throughout and sighted the pool light leak.

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