Water supply leak detection on acreage property in Chuwar

Water supply leak detection on acreage property in Chuwar

This morning we attended to a water leak on an acreage property in Chuwar. A water meter test revealed a leak of 240 litres per day or 1 litre every 6 minutes. (very small leak from leak detection standards but a leak never the less). This property was extremely challenging give the site was 5000m2 and it had 10 outside taps. We traced the line and after introducing a combination of compressed air and tracer gas located the general vicinity of the leak under the garden bed at the front of the garden bed. A high gas reading was obtained as well as air was heard bubbling away at that location
We discussed the options going forward and the clients decided to save some money and do some excavation before engaging a local plumber to effect the repair.



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