Pre purchase swimming pool inspection – Mt Ommaney

Pre purchase swimming pool inspection – Mt Ommaney

This morning we attended to a swimming pool pre purchase inspection in Mount Ommaney, we identified a leaking 5 way valve on top of the sand filter, leaking suction pipe between the skimmer box and pump, a leaking 3 way valve which feeds the water feature and return plumbing. We then used a hydrophoned microphone to check the skimmer box, return jets, light, main drain including the hydrostatic valve. We then entered the pool to dye test the skimmer box, return jets, light, main drain including the hydrostatic valve. Finally we conducted a physical examination of the pools walls and floor looking for any imperfections/cracks etc.

Our client was onsite throughout the inspection and was briefed as we progressed.

We provided a written report with recommendations and approximate costs of rectifications, some can be complete by the local pool shop and the plumbing repairs by us.

Posted 9 minutes ago
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