Swimming pool concealed plumbing leak detected and repaired in New Farm

Swimming pool concealed plumbing leak detected and repaired in New Farm

This morning we attended to a reported swimming pool leak in New Farm. We tested the multi port valve which had a slight leak and further leaks were identified around the union fittings at the sand filter.
We dye tested the suction and return lines, dye was seen escaping into the skimmer box.

We pressure tested the suction line which did not hold pressure. We introduced compressed air into the line which identified the lek behind the skimmer box. We removed some small trees and excavated to locate a failed 50mm 90 degree bend.

Our licensed plumber reconfigured the pipework before testing the repair then the whole line to find it now secure.

We then entered the pool inspected and replaced the hydrostatic valve, We removed the light fittings and brackets and dye tested where the cables penetrated the shell.

We back filled and cleaned the site.



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