Leaking ensuite shower in Morningside

Leaking ensuite shower in Morningside

We attended to a bathroom ensuite leak in Morningside, we had been previously communicating with our client and her handyman regarding this issue. As they were unable to resolve the issue, we attended and obtained specific background information about the problem and the tests previously undertaken. The client advised wetness on the ensuite/bedroom wall was observed many hours after the shower was used. This gives rise to a slow leak which can be problematic to locate. We then conducted a water meter and pressure test firstly up to the mixer and then to the shower head. This confirmed the water supply is secure. We then conducted a dye flood test testing the integrity of the shower base including the waterproofing membrane, noting a cracked tile and missing grout around the drain. Following this was a 15 min drain test and then a simulated shower test, including over the mixer. We removed the mixer back plate to note the silicone seal was not secure. We removed and replaced the silicone and requested the shower not be used for 48 hours. A vanity drain test and toilet test rounded out our attendance. We will obtain further advice from our client next week to ascertain whether the issue still exists. Our client advised that wetness was still being seen. We reattended and conducted another shower base test this time leaving it in situ for 48 hours , we returned to see further water in the effected area. We provided our client with options going forward. No additional charges were applied for return visits

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